Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Because I Identify As Chicana... A poem

Because I identify as Chicana, Latina, Hispana, you try to oppress me

Because I don't identify with Caucasian and choose my own definition, you try to oppress me.

Because I speak two languages Ingles y EspaƱol, you try to oppress me.

Because my books speak of Mexicano y Hispano Solidarity, you try to oppress me.

You say I'm illegal, yet my people have been here for centuries and this land was once Mexico, you try to oppress me.

You take away my books that teach me of my culture, my traditions, so you try to oppress me.

In Arizona, I can get arrested for driving while brown, and you ask me for my papers, you try to oppress me.

Because I don't bow to your cultural and societal norms, you try to oppress me.

Because my culture is rich with tradition, you try to oppress me.

Because my eyes, hair, and skin are brown like the earth that birthed me, you try to oppress me.

Because my last name you cannot say, you try to oppress me.

You try to oppress me because you do not understand me, mi vida, mi culture, mi raza. You will not oppress my people and me; we are resistant and resilient, we will not bow to your demands; we will fight on and fight for our raza against your oppression.

Ashley Aragon

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